Friday, August 7, 2009

Git: Tech Talk by Linus Torvalds

Git is awesomeness in superfast version control.
This video will not teach you how to use Git effectively. But it will help you understand the motivations behind Git and give you a taste of the cruelly funny Linus Torvalds:

Javascript by Douglas Videos

Javascript is a very powerful dynamic functional programming language. As Douglas Crockford would say, its one of the first lambda languages to go mainstream. It has powerful functional programming techniques which makes awesome frameworks like jQuery possible.

Watch these videos to completely change your perception about Javascript:

Javascript - The Programming Language

Advanced Javascript:

Getting Things Done - David Allen

Getting Things Done is a very powerful personal productivity technique by David Allen as explained in his bestseller book by the same name.

Here's a video of the presentation he made at Google :

Ruby Metaprogramming

This is a video on Ruby Metaprogramming by Dave Thomas. Its a RubyConf video, but it packs as much stuff as the Metaprogramming screencasts available at Pragmatic.

Watch this InfoQ video to learn some cool Ruby tricks:

PS: If you liked this video, continue your learning by purchasing the Ruby Object Model and Metaprogramming screencasts available here

Scaffolding - Rails Awesomeness

15 minutes of fame. The first video that shot both Rails and David into awesomeness of programming. Watch David scaffold a blogging engine in 15 minutes:

Welcome to Awesome Tech Videos

Awesome Tech Videos is a video blogging site which will be a collection of my favorite tech videos by some of the most awesome people in technology and programming. What better way to get started than the amazing Google IO Wave Preview.

Here's to the future of the Live Web looking forward to the day you'll read my blog live as i write it. Fasten your seat belts and get ready for a ride to the future of the Live web. Dismiss all your appointments for the next 1.5 hours and get ready to experience awesomeness - Google Wave

PS: When i find a really awesome video or a useful tech video i dont watch it completely online. I always download it so that i can watch it later. A very useful firefox plugin for that if you dont already have any is NetVideoHunter